Så har vi vært i fascinerende London med konserter, utstillinger, Comic-con, Bletchley park, Shakespeares Globe og mye annet.
Så har vi vært på en fantastisk tur til Japan med mange og overveldende opplevelser. Mange ønsker å dra tilbake dit.
Denne uka har Kunst+ vært et par dager I Berlin. Kunstlærer, John Cunningham, forteller om turen: On Monday, the students were asked to take on the Situationist practice of Dérive, a form of aimless wandering through the streets, becoming lost and allowing the senses to drive the discovery of the city and trying to be sensitive to how it feels. The students were all given various individual tasks to perform during the day, like being asked to “Smell a tree” or “Point in a direction and proclaim in a firm voice: “There it is!” This done in the hope of encourage others ways of experiencing and seeing the city. At the end of the day, some of us met up at a well light bar to chat and make sketches together. Berlin is a city full of small galleries. You can virtually find a gallery on every street in some parts of the city. So on the Tuesday we took another wander, this time, stopping at every single small gallery we happened upon. We visited perhaps between 15 and 20 small galleries over a 3km distance. Late in the day, those who had the legs went to a large art store to buy some supplies. On our final day, we visited Urban Nation. A large gallery dedicated to showing the best examples of the types of work produced by Street Artists today. Many of the student said they thought this was the best show they had seen all year. After the exhibition, some students went off to make their own street art. We then went and found a street art friendly zone and pasted them up.
Spilldesign og Game Art & Design har vært på Global Game Jam. Her fikk de jobbe sammen med andre spillinteresserte, også tidligere elever fra Sunnhordland folkehøgskole. |
GalleriBilder og film fra skoleåret på Arkiv
November 2024